This is one of the most common questions men ask their doctors. Prostate health awareness is rising and since statistics show that 1 out of 2 men will suffer from prostate health concerns, men want to know what they can do to protect prostate health. There are specific foods linked to prostate health. These contain beta site sterol, zinc and other prostate vitamins that are known to promote healthy prostate functions. But most doctors will recommend an overall healthy diet and exercise. But before we get into that, let’s take a basic lesson in what the prostate gland does.
The prostate gland is situated just below the bladder, and is surrounded by the urethra. Why is it common for men in their 40s and 50s to have problems with prostate health? Men undergo hormonal changes during this stage of life. Scientists believe that more and more testosterone gets converted to another male hormone called dihydric test Oster one or DHT. DHT accelerates the multiplication of prostate cells leading to prostate enlargement. This condition increases the size of the prostate. Since the bladder and urethra are positioned so close to the prostate, men experience bladder problems with an enlarged prostate.
To get back to our topic: how can men reduce their risk of prostate enlargement? Most doctors will tell you that there are two things to keep in mind. One is your diet and the other is leading an active lifestyle.
- Most health experts recommend that you eat 5 to 6 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Choose foods with deep colors and these contains phytonutrients and antioxidants that are good for health. Among the fruit and vegetables that are good for prostate health, cruciferous vegetables are the best.
- Zinc is present in high concentration is the prostate gland and is also needed to keep sperm healthy. Foods rich include oysters, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and low fat red meat.
- Choose whole-grain breads, cereals and pastas. Your body needs fiber not only to maintain the right balance of microflora in the intestinal tract, but also to produce certain nutrients that help keep the heart healthy!
- Choose lean meat instead of processed meats like hot dogs and bologna which contain a lot of salt and unhealthy fat content.
- Include more foods with omega-3 fatty acids in your diet such as avocadoes (which also contain zinc), olives, and fatty fish like tuna.
- Avoid desserts except occasionally. Cut down on aerated drinks – you’ll be surprised to note how many calories they contain and how little nutritional value they hold.
- Eat slowly. They say it takes the stomach 20 minutes to recognize its full! If you eat fast, you probably overeat. Eat slowly, enjoy the food you eat and use the portion control principle.
- Men who exercise regularly, were found to have fewer problems with prostate health than men who led sedentary lifestyles. The Health Professionals Follow up Study observed that even walking at a moderate pace could provide benefits.
- Men who engaged in rigorous exercise were 20 percent less likely to have problems in sex performance than men who did not exercise. Conversely, in spite of exercise, men who were obese or overweight had a greater risk of problems with performance.